one to one mentoring
You want to tell your children and grandchildren (and great grandchildren) what life was like for your generation. To record for them your life and times.
Maybe you’ve been faced with challenges you want to talk about. To set the record straight, perhaps. Something you need to tell from your perspective.
Sometimes we need to make sense of our lives. Writing can help.
Perhaps you’ve had a rich and interesting career you want to record for family and friends.
Or maybe you just want the simple pleasure of remembering, of bringing to life again people and places that have been an important part of your life, that have contributed to who you are today.
“Shrewd, well-informed and fun to work with, Rebecca draws on long experience as a biographer, journalist and broadcaster. A great help to aspiring writers. I warmly recommend her.”

Don’t know how to start, where to begin?
Not sure you have the skills to actually manage it? Daunted by the thought of writing a whole book?
Wondering how much of the truth to tell? Do you reveal what you really felt, what really happened, or just gloss over the tricky bits?
If you tell it how it was, whom might you offend? And do you really mind!
How do you get round the naughty bits? Should you get round the naughty bits?
Do you find the more you think about it, the more you wonder if anybody will be interested anyway?
Let me assure you, they will be . . .
Whoever you are, whether your life has been a roller-coaster or relatively calm, I believe it is a life worth recording. The world is changing so fast that in 50 years from now we will seem like people who lived on a different planet, so everything about you will be of interest to future generations whose lifestyles will be so different from our own.
So this is how I can help you
Personal attention: Unlike other on-line courses, I build the course around you. There are no pre-recorded sessions, no group interactions, this is just between you and me.
Flexibility: All courses are tailor made. I offer a series of six sessions on the essential skills for good writing, but I adapt and develop each session according to your particular interests, skills and needs. No two clients ever get exactly the same course.
Time: You will not be tied to a timetable. No pressure. You can do the work at your own pace. I only ask that the six sessions are completed within a 12 month period, but should you need longer, we can try to work that out.
Confidentiality: At no time will I discuss, or share your work, with anyone else without your permission.
“The personal support has been incredible. Rebecca has taken the time to understand me and develop my writing. This is not a series of formulaic tutorials – it’s a programme for growth, tailored to your needs.”
“Rebecca is an inspiration. I’ve learnt so much in such a short space of time. I can’t wait for the next lesson and the challenge it will bring.”

“Out of a tangle of thoughts and words, Rebecca has taught me to find my voice and begin to craft my story”
“Rebecca de Saintonge is an acute and insightful literary critic. Her eloquence and love of the written word combined with the expressive creativity of her own work make her a lucid and experienced guide through the writing process.”